**Don't get Poison Ivy or Poison Oak, Get AltNature's Amazing Jewelweed!**

This section is a vintage collection of opinions on natural remedies by various authors, some who have passed on. For historical reference only. These articles are old. They have not been updated since the early 2000s and are not intended to provide medical information.


Galium odoratum

Other names:  Galium odoratum, May grass

Habitat:  Temperate climates in North America and Europe

Properties:  Sweet woodruff is an attractive ground cover that broadcasts its aroma each May. Consider growing it as a low-maintenance carpet in a shaded spot in your yard. The leaves develop a distinctive scent of fresh-cut hay and vanilla only as they dry.

In Germany, where sweet woodruff is known as the Waldmeister (master of the forest), it is used to flavor May wine as a traditional way to greet this spring month. The practice originated in the thirteenth century, and Germans still serve the Mai Bowle each day of the month. May Day celebrations have long marked the passage of winter, dating back to ancient Druid rituals.

Can be propagated by seeds in the fall to produce plants the following spring; cold weather encourages them to germinate. However, it's easier to buy because the seeds may take 200 days to germinate. Provide slightly acidic soil, rich in nutrients and humus; leaf mold compost is best. Keep soil moist.

Harvest foliage when needed. Stems may be cut close to the ground. Either hand-tie sprigs and hang them in a warm, airy place, or chop the herb immediately after harvesting and dry in a warm, shady place.

Copyright 1996, 1998 by Lori Herron and Alternative Nature
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Amazing Jewelweed Kit, Jewelweed soap, salve and spray

Learn about the common plant used for Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Acne, Athlete's Foot and more here.

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