Herb Books, Herbal Information Sources
My favorite sources of herbal plant info. Titles are linked to the Amazon.com site, where a portion of sales ordered from these links will help support our web site. Thank You for your support! ----Karen
Peterson’s Guides: Peterson’s has a book for every nature lover.
A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants : Eastern and
Central North America
Steven Foster and James A.
Duke. Color Herb Photos, Line drawings and good descriptions of wild herbs.
A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants of Eastern
and Central North America
Tory Peterson- More than 370 edible wild plants, plus 37
poisonous look-alikes, are described here, with 400 drawings and
78 color photographs showing precisely how to recognize each
species. Also included are habitat descriptions, lists of plants
by season, and preparation instructions for 22 different food
Field Guide to Venomous Animals and Poisonous
Steven Foster/
Roger Caras - Good reading to increase awareness of dangers you may
encounter in the wild
Peterson’s Field Guide : Wildflowers of the
Eastern and Central North America
Margaret McKenny and Roger Tory Peterson.
Grouped by color and by
plant characteristics, 1,293 species in 84 families are described
and illustrated. Included here are all the flowers you’re
most likely to encounter in the eastern and north-central U.S.,
westward to the Dakotas and southward to North Carolina and
Arkansas, as well as the adjacent parts of Canada.
More Field and Herbal Plant Guides
Identifying and Harvesting Edible and Medicinal Plants in Wild (and Not So Wild) Places,Steve Brill: Hearst Books, NY, 1994
National Audubon Society Field Guide to North
American Wildflowers: Eastern Region Neiring and
Good color photos in this one!
Wildflowers of the Central South Wildflowers of the Central South Thomas E. Hemmerly
Wildflowers of the Southeastern United
Wilbur H. Duncan, Leonard E. Foote Hundreds of color
photos, this is one of my favorites.
The Pill Book Guide to Natural Medicines Michael
Murray N.D.
The Complete Medicinal Herbal
Penelope Ody - A
practical guide to the healing properties of more than 250
natural remedies for common ailments. If you only get one herbal,
it should be this one. Step by step color photos makes herbal
preparation easy to learn.
Herbal Healing for Women Rosemary
Simple home remedies for women of all ages. Natural
treatments for teenage acne, PMS, morning sickness, hot flashes,
uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. Just reading this one can
help you feel better, Rosemary writes on a personal level. I was
lucky enough to meet her at the Red Boiling Springs Folk Medicine
Festival in 1998, she is a remarkable inspiring woman.
The Herb Book by John Lust
Covers almost 500
medicinal plants, including many native species, as well as
recipes for many herbal concoctions. A wealth of information in
an inexpensive paperback edition.
Ginseng: How to find, Grow and Use America’s
Forest Gold. Kim Derek Pritts
Must have book for anyone with
an interest in ginseng. I found this at my local library. Goes
into everything you need to know about ginseng, even a buyers
Wildflowers of Tennessee, the Ohio Vallery and
Southern Appalachians - Dennis Horn
Indian Herbology of North America - Alma Hutchens Out of Print, used copies on Amazon.com
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical
Wildflowers of the Central South Thomas E. Hemmerly