Speedwell Herb
Veronica Officinalis
Picture - Thyme Leaf Speedwell
Veronica serpyllifolia
Speedwell Herbal Uses
Speedwell is considered to be diuretic, expectorant, stomachic, tonic. Speedwell was once a highly regarded in England as a healthy, relaxing, herbal tea and tonic. As with most astringent, bitter herbs, an infusion of speedwell can be used as a wash for troubled skin. Recent studies have shown Speedwell tea may be an effective preventative treatment for ulcers. It is most often used been used for coughs and congestion.
In modern herbal medicine, speedwell tea, brewed from the dried flowering plant, sometimes serves as a cough remedy or as a lotion for irritated or infected skin. The somewhat bitter and astringent taste and smell of speedwell led to its use as a tea substitute in 19th-century France, where it was called the d’Europe, or "Europe tea." The French still use this term as a name for speedwell.
Emperor Charles, the Fifth of Spain, is said to have derived much relief to his gout from the use of this herb. It contains tannin and a particular bitter principle.
Experimental anti-ulcer activity of Veronica officinalis L. extracts "In indomethacin-induced ulcers in albino rats, the anti-ulcerogenic effects of some extracts prepared from Veronica officinalis L. were investigated. The extracts had a significant anti-ulcerogenic activity. In ulcer healing experiments performed in rats by administering reserpine, the extracts were found to enhance the regeneration of the gastric mucosa. These results seem to confirm the popular observations according to which the decoction from Veronica officinalis L. possessed useful properties in the treatment of gastric ulcers." -Scarlat M, Sandor V, Tamas M, Cuparencu B. Abstract
"Although speedwell has a reputation, especially in Europe, as a healer of all illnesses, it is used primarily as an expectorant for respiratory problems. It has also been used for stomach ailments, migraine headache, and as a gargle for mouth and throat soars, The fresh juice taken in large quantities is helpful for gout, and it can also be used externally to relieve chronic skin problems."
From https://consider-the-lilies.org/Speedwell.htm which doesn't seem to exist now.
Speedwell extract shows promise for Herpes infections
Speedwell Habitat and Description
The Speedwells of my area are tiny yard weeds and also found in ditches in early spring. It may cover large areas of ground, but is inconspicuous due to its small stature. However, if you look close, you will see a delicate beauty with either blue flowers, or white flowers striped with blue.
Speedwell flowers are small and crowded on spike-like racemes from axils of leaves, often from alternate axils. The calyx is 4-parted, the corolla in formed of 4 lobes, the lower lobe is commonly the narrowest. The stem is from 3 to 10 in. long, hairy, often prostrate, and rooting at joints.
Speedwell Leaves are opposite, usually oblong, obtuse, saw-edged, narrowed at base.
Ivy Leaf Speedwell has three-lobed leaves with fine hairs. The fruit is a compressed heart-shaped capsule, containing numerous flat seeds.
How to Grow Speedwells
Speedwells are common yard weeds that can become invasive, and are often grown as ground cover. They thrive in poor damp soil. Most speedwells are annuals and grow easily from seeds of the previous year’s flowers.
History and Folklore of Speedwell
The name speedwell comes from an old meaning of the word speed, "thrive." The scientific term Veronica goes back some 500 years and is apparently connected with the name of the legendary Veronica, who is said to have wiped the face of Jesus as He went to Calvary. It is possible that the genus Veronica was named after her because the flowers supposedly resemble the markings left on the cloth with which she wiped Jesus’ face.
The Germans also name this plant Ehren-preis, or Prize of Honour; which fact favours the supposition of its being the true "Forget-me-not," or souveigne vous de moy, as legendary on knightly collars of yore to commemorate a famous joust fought in 1465 between the most accomplished champions of England and France.
Speedwell may be used for herbal tea. Use 1-2 tsp. of dried herb per cup of hot water. Speedwell can also be used in skin preparations such as lotions or herbal salves.
High Resolution Herb Stock Photos
The Herb Book by John
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many native species, as well as recipes for
many herbal concoctions. A wealth of
information in an inexpensive paperback
Wildflowers of Tennessee by Jack B. Carman
Indian Herbology of North America - Alma Hutchens Out of Print, used copies on Amazon.com
Wildflowers of Tennessee, the
Ohio Valley and Southern Appalachians -
Dennis Horn
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of
Magical Herbs
Web Sites
BY A.F. SIEVERS, Senior Biochemist, Office of
Drug and Related Plants, Bureau of Plant
"Nature’s Garden" also published as “Wild Flowers, An Aid to Knowledge of Our Wild Flowers and Their Insect Visitors” by Neltje Blanchan (Public Domain)
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure by William Thomas Fernie (Public Domain)